Lettera di Peter

Seattle, Washington August 13, 1977


Dear Gino,

Thank you very much for your nice letter and thè beautiful photògraphs.

I was glad to hear that you are doing well, stili travelling and now looking forward to a place in the country.

Since I returned, I have been enjoying travelling along thè seacoast and mountains of Washington and Oregon. I met a friend from Spain, named Justo who is free and we will be travelling together for a while with ray V.W. busto thè great National Parks of thè Western Uhited States such as the GrandCanyon in Arizona. By end November we will be in Mexico. I will return to Seattle in March of next year and I hope, also, to buy some land in the country and settle down for a few years working with photography and ceramic sculpture as well as learning farming. But the travelling bloodis not dead yet. Ih the future I still see myself making a trip to Asia and perhaps I will pass through Italy on the way.

Should you come to thè Uhited States, you are always welcome. I could give you some adresses in North America.

I’m learning Spanish and my friend Justo speaks French also, so that he can translate this for me that we can talk.

Enclosed are some photos I hope you like.

I think of you often and hope to see you again.

I’m sorry that I did not stop to see you in Finale Ligure, but I sense we will meet again, somewhere, someday. I enjoyed plorence and met a friend there.


The image I have of you, is as a saint with children.


Love, Peter

  • Virginio Briatore
  • Virginio Briatore

  • Virginio Briatore

  • Virginio Briatore

  • Virginio Briatore

  • Virginio Briatore

  • Virginio Briatore

  • Virginio Briatore